Satyrican Newsletter (August 31, 2003) Thoughts Galore:
Some if not most investors, whether using fundamental or
technical analysis, are guilty of Indicatoris - the tendency to use too
much information. We'll see that More is Less, much less.
Satyrican Newsletter (August 24, 2003) Thoughts Galore: The
accepted notion is that in the long run, fundamental analysis will outperform
technical analysis. Upon closer examination, this is not the
case. One simple, very rudimentary rule would have outperform the
indices over a 70 year span with the added benefits of less risk and
being in the market roughly half the time.
Satyrican Newsletter (August 17, 2003) Thoughts Galore:
Economists have often trumpeted free trade, but theory
and reality are rarely congruous. What are the implication of this
discrepancy? Moreover, who actually benefits from present
state of free? The answer could possibly be Nobody.
Satyrican Newsletter (August 10, 2003) Thoughts Galore: Alpha is taken to be the preferred measurement of risk-adjusted return;
even more important, it serves as the primal gauge of money manager performance (risk-adjusted). But does alpha entail more risk than previously thought?
Satyrican Newsletter (August 3, 2003) Thoughts Galore: Can random walk and technical analysis coexist? So much fuss
have gone into examining their mutual exclusiveness. What about a possible